XMail Log Archiver Version 0.3rc1 http://xmlogarch.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2006 Bryn Mosher * LICENSE * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not contact , write to brynm@users.sourceforge.net or Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * BETA NOTICE * This is the initial release of XMail Log Archiver. Please make bug reports and feature requests at http://xmlogarch.sourceforge.net. If you would like to help by writing/editing documentation, contributing to the project's website or conrtibuting code please contact brynm@users.sourceforge.net. * INSTALLATION * This document is sparse at the moment, I know. Please bear with me as the project begins. Win32 support is still being developed, so for now this document focuses on *nix. If you are bave enough, I could use Win32 testers! 1. Unzip Files Unzip the contents of xmlogarch-{version}.zip to the installation directory of your choice. I have mine in /var/MailRoot/bin but you can put them anywhere as long as the file xmlogarch.php and the directory xmlogarch.d are in the same place. We will be using /var/MailRoot/bin in our examples during the instructions. 2. RTFM and Configuration The first bit of documentation you will want to read is the script's help text. At a console, type '/var/MailRoot/bin/xmlogarch -h' and read the text completely. It may be tempting to try a couple of things you see, but please don't yet. After you have read the text, edit the file xmlogarch_conf.php in the xmlogarch.d directory to suit your needs. By default, the 'move' and 'zip' reports are tunred off. please enable them after you are satisfied with the rest of the settings. 3. PERMISSIONS Be sure that the bash wrapper script (xmlogarch) is executable. You can do this by typing 'chmod u+x /var/MailRoot/bin/xmlogarch' at the console. * USAGE * Now that you have the script installed, you can run it according to the help text. The advantage of running it via the bash wrapper is that the process is automatically given a 'nice -n 16' to keep it from hogging CPU. * Roadmap * I have no specific raodmap yet, but hope to add or enhance the following soon: * Documantation and wrapper for Win32 * Improve server report and move report * Support * You use this at your own risk, but you might be able to get help at the project's sourceForge page. * Change Log * 0.3rc1 2006-05-02 * Initial release 0.3rc2 2006-05-03 * Oficially added Win32 support * Fixed errors from new constants not being in older versions of php * Added support for plaintext password in config for those without mcrypt PHP modules 0.3rc3 2006-05-05 * Added support for PHP 5.x functions used for 4.x users - so far scandir() and array_combine() (list at end of xmlogarch_funcs.php) * Fixed _many_ stray variables * Added error_reporting( E_ALL ) so user error reports ar more verbose * Fixed report directives starting with a 'c' triggering config file command line option functionality * Grab correct user name for who ran the script under Win32